
©ATLUS ©SEGA/PERSONA5 the Animation Project
巻/話数 サブタイトル
1 1 I am thou, thou art I
2 Let's take back what's dear to you
2 3 A beautiful rose has thorns!
4 Steal it, if you can
5 The Phantoms
3 6 Our next target is...
7 He is my other self
8 Put an end to all this and use your own artwork for once.
4 9 Operation maid watch
10 I want to see justice with my own eyes
11 Let's be friends, shall we?
5 12 I found the place where I belong
13 Dreams and Desires
6 14 What life do you choose?
15 I am Alibaba
7 16 This place is my grave
17 X Day
18 I'll guide you to victory
8 19 Aloha
20 My name is Beauty Thief!
21 You can call me "Noir"
9 22 Is it our fault...?
23 How about a deal with me?
24 A challenge that must be won
10 25 Jealous Sinner
26 I won't let it end here
11 SP1 Dark Sun...
OVA1 Proof of justice
12 SP2 Stars and Ours
OVA2 A Magical Valentine's Day